May 25, 2021
VADA's Anne Gambardella and Don Hall, along with SESCO Management Consultants' Jamie Hasty dive deep into the Virginia Overtime Wage Act and its implications for dealers.
Listen along as you view the dealer-specific Staff Recommendation created by VADA and SESCO. They will walk you through the Act, changes to rate...
May 13, 2021
We sit down with Kevin Tynan, longtime friend of VADA and Global Director of Automotive Research at Bloomberg Intelligence. Kevin is speaking at the VADA Annual Convention on June 25, and gives us a preview of his presentation to Virginia dealers. In addition, Kevin hits on some of the trends he's monitoring,...
May 10, 2021
VADA's Anne Gambardella and Natalie Toler, along with Jamaican bobsledder Devon Harris, give us a preview of what's to come next month in Hot Springs. Learn more and see videos of Devon and motivational speaker Jones Loflin at
May 5, 2021
Hear from VADA's Natalie Toler and Aris Woolfolk on the idea behind Virginia Dealer University and the plan for upcoming sessions. Learn more and register for the next event at